MIS Web Initiatives
Web Refresh Project Web Refresh Project
Web Media Team

The goal of the Web Media Team was to redesign the UD Home Page and top level pages, both functionally and visually, and to restructure several second-level customer offerings following a customer-process model. The team set out to select a technology level that represents UD's commitment to technology, while keeping the web simple and easy.

The intended result is a UD website that is easier to navigate and maintain, more customer-oriented, more compelling, and representative of an appropriate level of technology. At the same time, the top-level site remains simple and clean, with no information overload. More intelligent pages and navigation help are also included.

The efforts of the Web Media Team garnered the 1999 Innovation Award for the web refresh effort.

The second phase of the project will be to establish a development path for departmental Web developers.

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